Recap of the Sermon: Bold Resolve — To Boldly Go
As we’ve journeyed through Nehemiah’s story in the To Boldly Go series, we’ve seen his progression from burden to bold action. He inspected the ruins, cast vision, gathered people together, and began rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. This week, we focus on Bold Resolve—having the perseverance to continue despite opposition, fear, and hardship.
Nehemiah 4:6 tells us that the people had the will to keep working. But as their progress advanced, so did the attacks against them. The enemy became furious and sought to stop the work through intimidation, confusion, and fear.
The pastor highlighted a crucial truth: When you boldly step out in faith, the enemy will attempt to stop you. Whether it’s launching a ministry, deepening your prayer life, giving generously, or overcoming a personal struggle—opposition will come. The question is: How will you respond?
This week’s devotionals will focus on:
1. Recognizing Opposition – Attacks will come when we pursue God’s work.
2. Choosing Faith Over Fear – Fear paralyzes, but faith mobilizes.
3. Fighting and Working Simultaneously – We must build while defending our faith.
4. God Fights for Us – We do not fight alone.
5. A Bold Resolve to Press On – The work of the Lord is never in vain.
The challenges are real, but God is greater. This week, let’s commit to a Bold Resolve—to keep working, keep fighting, and keep trusting in the Lord’s strength.
Day 1: Recognizing Opposition
"When Sanballat, Tobiah, and the Arabs, Ammonites, and Ashdodites heard that the repair to the walls of Jerusalem was progressing and that the gaps were being closed, they became furious. They all plotted together to come and fight against Jerusalem and throw it into confusion." — Nehemiah 4:7-8
Progress invites opposition. Nehemiah and the Israelites weren’t attacked before they started rebuilding the walls—but once they made progress, the enemy became furious and plotted against them.
This pattern holds true in our lives. When you start making progress—spiritually, financially, relationally—the enemy wants to stop you.
• Trying to get out of debt? Unexpected expenses arise.
• Working on restoring a relationship? Miscommunication happens.
• Committing to a deeper prayer life? You feel too distracted or busy.
• Stepping into a leadership role? Doubt and insecurity creep in.
The enemy’s goal is always the same: to throw you into confusion and discourage you from continuing the work. But God calls us to recognize opposition for what it is and press forward in faith.
• Think about a time when you faced opposition after making spiritual progress. How did you respond?
• Identify an area in your life where you feel spiritual resistance right now. Bring it before God in prayer.
Father, help me to recognize when opposition comes so I do not become discouraged. Strengthen me to see attacks for what they are and give me the perseverance to continue the work You have called me to. I trust that You are with me. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Questions for Reflection:
1. What recent progress have you made that the enemy might want to disrupt?
2. How can you stay steadfast when opposition arises?