Choose a Hang, Talk It Over, or Study Crew.

**Use the filters to help you find the Crew that's just right for you.


Find Your Crew
Weekly, Bi-Weekly or Monthly get together with your people

Kairos Crews are setup to help you connect, engage and grow in your faith with people who have similar schedules, lifestyles and hobbies. Our goal for crews is to give you the flexibility to join and attend when you are able. 

Majority of our Crews will use our "Talk It Over" format. Questions are provided from Sunday's sermon for you to discuss what God spoke directly to you. This will help you learn from one another as you become more like Jesus. Use of Talk It Over Questions gives you the freedom to miss a week without fear of missing a chapter in a book, or a week in a study material and you will be able to jump back in the following week. 

There will also be a handful of Study Crews that utilize a video, bible, or book curriculum. Study Crews will be weekly and may require you to purchase materials for the crews.

Desiring flexibility for Crew Leaders and Attenders, each Crew will decide how often they will meet; weekly, bi-weekly or even monthly. 

Crews will be smaller in size with approximately 4-10 people attending.

Find You Crew Today Start A Crew
Attend a Class
Commitment to attending a weekly class to grow deeper in your faith.

Kairos Classes are offered periodically throughout the year. These classes are setup to help you dive deeper into your faith. Each class will last anywhere from 4-12 weeks depending on the curriculum. 

Majority of Classes will be held at the church and it is our hopes to be able to offfer childcare. 

Classes tend to be larger in size anywhere from 8-20+ people attending.

Understanding Kairos Crews & Classes
Find Your Crew, Attend a Class

Talk It Over
– Talk it over groups will give you an opportunity to dive deeper into the sermon from the weekend. Take notes during service. Utilize Online Notes. Bring them with you to the group and share what God spoke specifically to you and hear how God spoke to others. You will also be able to discuss sermon specific follow-up questions to the message.

Hang + Talk it Over– Looking to connect with people in our church that share the same interests as you? Get together for a time of bowling, fishing, shooting, eating, coffee-drinking, and more. During these groups, you will spend time going over the provided Discussion Questions from Sundays sermon. The rest of the time you will participate in the activity of your groups’ choosing.

Study Crew - Our Study crews will still be smaller in size, but they will follow along with a video, book, or study curriculum that will last anywhere from 4-8 weeks. Study Crews will typically require you to buy a book and/or study guide to go along with the curriculum. And you will want to make sure you can commit to being their every week.


If you are looking to go deeper in your faith, deeper in your understanding of the Bible and what it means to be a Christ follower this is the group type for you. Our classes offer discipleship strategies; teaching what it means to serve, give, worship, study your bible, share the gospel and more. Kairos classes are offered periodically throughout the year and can range from 4-12 week classes.