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9 Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you.— Matthew 28:19-20

"We are called to follow Jesus, be more like Jesus, and lead others to Jesus."   - Pastor Brent

The pastor reminded us that Nehemiah wasn’t a builder by trade—he was a cupbearer. Yet, through faith and boldness, he expanded his capacity to lead. He went from cupbearer to governor to kingdom builder because he was willing to step out in obedience.
Similarly, God often calls us beyond our comfort zones to expand our leadership capacity. Leadership isn’t just for pastors or ministry leaders—it’s for everyone. Whether leading your family in faith, mentoring someone younger, or stepping into a serving role, every believer is called to lead others to Jesus.

Growth in leadership requires:
 1. Following Jesus first – Before we lead, we must follow Him.
 2. Being willing to step out in faith – Growth happens outside of comfort zones.
 3. Investing in others – True leadership is about raising others up.

What is God calling you to step into that feels uncomfortable? Are you hesitating because you feel unqualified? Pray about taking a bold step in leadership—whether it’s leading a small group, discipling someone, or stepping into a ministry role.

Lord, I may not feel ready, but I know You equip those You call. Expand my capacity to lead and serve in ways that bring glory to You. Help me to boldly step into the role You have prepared for me. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Questions for Reflection:
 1. What leadership role has God been nudging you to step into?
 2. How can you grow in leadership by following Jesus more closely?