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Welcome to the third day of our devotional series. Today, let's focus on the importance of encouragement for the future, using the example of Barnabas in Saul's life.



Acts 9:27 - "But Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles and explained to them how Saul had seen the Lord on the road and that He had talked to him, and how in Damascus he had spoken boldly in the name of Jesus."


Barnabas played a crucial role as an encourager, offering grace for Saul's future. Encouragement is vital for those on the wayfinding journey.


From the Sermon:

"God's grace through Jesus & His continued grace from others helps us move past our mistakes.

It's not about where we've been or what we've done. Its about what Jesus did and where he is leading us and that we are doing our best to follow him there. And we need people in our lives to helps us stay the course. Jesus offers grace, AND sends others to continue to show us grace along the way."


Think about someone in your life who provided encouragement for your future. Consider the impact of their support on your journey. How can you be an encourager for someone else?


Scripture Meditation:

Read Acts 9:27 again and reflect on the encouragement Barnabas provided to Saul.


Reflection Questions:

Who has been a significant encourager in your life, helping you see a positive future?

How can you actively be an encourager for someone who needs support in their journey?


Closing Prayer:

Dear Lord, thank You for those who encourage us for the future. Grant us the ability to be sources of encouragement for others, helping them find and follow Your way. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.