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Mark 16:14 - “Later, He appeared to the Eleven themselves as they were reclining at the table. He rebuked their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they did not believe those who saw Him after He had been resurrected.”

Despite their initial enthusiasm and commitment, the disciples experienced moments of great failure. When Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane, Scripture tells us, “Then all the disciples deserted Him and fled” (Matthew 26:56). After boldly declaring that he would never abandon Jesus, Peter denied Him three times. And after Jesus’ crucifixion, they locked themselves away in fear, doubting the reports of His resurrection.

These were not minor missteps. Each disciple had moments when they failed to live up to their calling. They struggled with fear, doubt, and unbelief. They questioned their decision to follow Jesus. And in those moments, it would have been easy to walk away for good, convinced that they were unworthy to be His disciples.

But Jesus didn’t see it that way.

When Jesus appeared to the Eleven after His resurrection, He rebuked their unbelief, but He didn’t abandon them. Instead, He restored them and recommissioned them for the work ahead. “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). Despite their failures, Jesus still believed in them and entrusted them with His mission.

This moment is powerful because it reminds us that failure doesn’t disqualify us from following Jesus. In fact, failure can be a turning point that leads to deeper faith and greater reliance on Him. Like the disciples, we all have moments of doubt, fear, and even betrayal. But Jesus offers us grace and a chance to return, just as He did for them. He meets us in our failure and invites us to follow Him again.

If you have failed in your walk with Jesus—whether it’s falling back into old sin, doubting His goodness, or running away when things got hard—remember that He’s not done with you. He’s calling you back, offering grace and restoration. Like the disciples, you can return to the call, stronger and more determined than before.

Reflection Questions:
    1. Have you ever felt like a failure in your walk with Jesus? What led to that feeling?
    2. How does Jesus’ response to the disciples’ failure encourage you?
    3. What might it look like for you to recommit to following Jesus after a season of doubt or disobedience?

If there’s an area of your life where you feel like you’ve failed Jesus, take time today to bring it to Him in prayer. Confess your failure, but also receive His grace and forgiveness. Write down a recommitment prayer, asking Jesus to help you return to your calling. Share this prayer with someone you trust and ask them to hold you accountable as you move forward in your journey of faith.

Closing Prayer:
Lord, I thank You that my failures do not disqualify me from following You. Help me to see that Your grace is greater than my sin and that You have not given up on me. Restore me, Lord, and help me to return to the call You have placed on my life. May I follow You with renewed passion and commitment. In Jesus’ name, Amen.