
1 Timothy 6:10
The Deception Hidden of Sin

1 Timothy 6:10, John 12:3-7

Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve disciples, is often remembered as the ultimate betrayer. But Judas' story isn’t just about a single act of betrayal—it’s about how sin, when hidden and allowed to grow in the dark, can consume a person’s heart and lead them to destruction. The pastor introduces Judas not just as a betrayer, but as a disciple and follower of Jesus. Judas was entrusted with a role among the twelve: treasurer. Yet, the love of money had already taken root in his heart.
1 Timothy 6:10 warns us, "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, and by craving it, some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pains." Judas' love for money, hidden in his heart, became the root of his evil actions. His greed manifested when he questioned Mary’s act of anointing Jesus with expensive perfume, not out of concern for the poor but because he desired the money for himself (John 12:3-7).
Judas’ journey into darkness wasn’t instantaneous; it grew over time. His role as treasurer gave him access to money, and John 12:6 reveals that he would steal from the money bag. What started as small acts of theft grew into something much darker—a willingness to betray Jesus for thirty pieces of silver.
The warning here is clear: sin grows in the dark. The love of money, greed, or any other hidden sin, when left unchecked, festers and grows. It deceives us into thinking we can control it, but ultimately, it controls us.

Reflection Questions:
    1. Are there any areas of your life where sin has been allowed to grow in secret?
    2. How does the story of Judas' love for money challenge your understanding of hidden sin?
    3. In what ways can you bring hidden sins into the light to stop them from growing?

Take time to examine your heart today. Are there hidden sins—whether it’s greed, pride, lust, or envy—that you’ve kept in the dark? Confess these sins to God in prayer, and if you feel led, confide in a trusted friend or mentor who can support you in your journey toward healing and repentance.

Lord, help me to recognize the hidden sins in my heart that I may be unaware of or have ignored. Give me the courage to bring these sins into the light and confess them to You. I ask for Your forgiveness and guidance as I seek to walk in the light of Your truth. In Jesus' name, Amen.