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Qoute: "Nehemiah could’ve prayed, cried, and asked God to send someone else—but instead, he GOT UP AND WENT." - Pastor Brent

“You see the trouble we are in. Jerusalem lies in ruins and its gates have been burned down. Come, let’s rebuild Jerusalem’s wall, so that we will no longer be a disgrace." — Nehemiah 2:17

Fear is one of the greatest obstacles to stepping into our God-given role. When we sense God calling us to something greater—whether it’s leading, serving, giving, or sharing our faith—our immediate response is often hesitation. What if I fail? What if I’m not good enough? What if someone else is more qualified?
Nehemiah could have let fear stop him. He wasn’t a trained leader, a governor, or an expert builder. He was a cupbearer—a servant who tasted the king’s wine to ensure it wasn’t poisoned. He had no prior experience in organizing a massive construction project. But instead of shrinking back, he got up and went. He didn’t wait until he felt completely prepared or fearless; he moved forward in faith despite fear.
The truth is, bold obedience always requires trust in God over fear. Fear tells us we are unqualified, but faith reminds us that God equips those He calls. We may not have all the answers, but God does. He is the One who strengthens us, provides resources, and gives us courage when we feel weak.
Think about the bold steps God may be calling you to take. Maybe He’s nudging you to lead a small group, serve in a ministry, start tithing, share your testimony, or even change careers. Whatever it is, know this: if He is calling you, He will equip you. Like Nehemiah, we are called to get up and go, trusting that God’s power is greater than our insecurities.

 • Identify one fear that is stopping you from stepping into your role. Write it down and pray over it, surrendering it to God.
 • Read 2 Timothy 1:7 ("For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self-discipline"). Meditate on this truth throughout the week.
 • Take one small step today toward your bold role, even if it feels uncomfortable. It could be signing up to serve, talking to a mentor, or simply praying for courage.

Father, I confess that fear often holds me back from stepping into the role You have for me. Help me to trust You more than my fears. Remind me that You equip those You call and that Your strength is greater than my weaknesses. Give me boldness to take the next step, knowing that You go before me. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Questions for Reflection:
1. What fear has been holding you back from stepping into your bold role?
2. How can you remind yourself of God’s promises when doubt or fear creeps in?
3. What small step can you take today toward obedience?