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Scripture: Matthew 22:37 - “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.”

Devotional: The foundation of a disciple’s journey is rooted in this simple yet profound command: to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind. In the life of a follower of Jesus, this love is expressed through our daily moments with God. At the heart of everything we do as Christians, we must cultivate a relationship with Him. Embracing moments with God is more than just a Sunday morning worship experience; it’s about making space for Him in every part of our lives.

The church's role is to create environments for you to encounter God, but your personal discipleship journey extends far beyond those walls. The command to love God with all of our being is not restricted to specific times or places. We are called to love God in every situation—at work, in our homes, with our families, and in our private moments. This means inviting Jesus into our daily routines, from our first thoughts in the morning to our last reflections at night.

So, how do we cultivate these moments with God? It begins by being intentional about our relationship with Him. Start your day with prayer, asking God to reveal Himself to you throughout your day. Spend time in His Word, letting Scripture shape your thoughts and actions. Find moments in your routine to pause and acknowledge God’s presence. Whether it’s through prayer, worship, or simply reflecting on His goodness, these moments strengthen our relationship with Him.

The deeper our relationship with God, the more we will experience His guidance, peace, and joy. These daily moments of connection with Jesus transform us from the inside out, helping us to live more like Him and align our lives with His will. As we embrace these moments, we’ll find that God’s presence becomes a constant source of strength and encouragement, even in the most challenging times.

Reflection Questions:

  1. What does your daily routine with God look like? Are there moments in your day where you intentionally pause to spend time with Him?
  2. How does your relationship with God impact your daily decisions and actions?
  3. What steps can you take this week to invite God into more of your everyday moments?

Application: This week, commit to creating daily moments with God. Whether through a structured quiet time or simple pauses throughout your day, find ways to intentionally connect with Him. Set a reminder on your phone to pray at certain points during your day, or keep a journal to reflect on how God is working in your life. Embrace these moments and allow them to deepen your relationship with Jesus.

Closing Prayer: Lord, thank You for calling me to love You with all of my heart, soul, and mind. Help me to embrace moments with You each day. Guide me as I seek to make space for You in every part of my life. Let Your presence be my strength and peace, and may my relationship with You grow deeper as I walk with You daily. In Jesus’ name, Amen.