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Scripture: Psalm 99:2-5, 9 - 2 Yahweh is great in Zion; He is exalted above all the peoples. 3 Let them praise Your great and awe-inspiring name. He is holy.  4 The mighty King loves justice. You have established fairness; You have administered justice and righteousness in Jacob.  5 Exalt the Lord our God; bow in worship at His footstool. He is holy.
9 Exalt the Lord our God; bow in worship at His holy mountain, for the Lord our God is holy.

Psalm 99 exalts God's holiness and calls us to worship Him with reverence. "Yahweh is great in Zion; He is exalted above all the peoples. Let them praise Your great and awe-inspiring name. He is holy" (Psalm 99:2-3). These verses remind us of God's unique and set-apart nature, worthy of our highest praise.

The psalmist emphasizes God's love for justice and righteousness: "The mighty King loves justice. You have established fairness; You have administered justice and righteousness in Jacob" (Psalm 99:4). God's holiness is not only about His separateness but also about His perfect character and actions.

In response to God's holiness, we are called to "Exalt the Lord our God; bow in worship at His footstool. He is holy" (Psalm 99:5). This posture of worship acknowledges God's greatness and our dependence on Him. Recognizing His holiness helps us to see our own need for His grace and the transformative power of His presence in our lives.

Reflection Questions:
    1. How do you respond to the holiness of God in your daily life?
    2. In what ways can you exalt and worship God for His justice and righteousness?
    3. How does recognizing God's holiness impact your relationship with Him and with others?

Spend time in worship today, focusing on God's holiness and justice. Reflect on specific attributes of His character and how they have impacted your life. Bow in reverence before Him, acknowledging His greatness and your dependence on His grace. Share this experience with someone else, encouraging them to join you in worship.

Holy King, we exalt You and bow in worship at Your footstool. You are great and awe-inspiring, and Your name is holy. Thank You for Your justice, righteousness, and grace. Transform our hearts as we recognize Your holiness and seek to live in a way that honors You. In Jesus' name, Amen.