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Mark 1:16-18 - "As He was passing along by the Sea of Galilee, He saw Simon and Andrew, Simon’s brother. They were casting a net into the sea, since they were fishermen. 'Follow Me,' Jesus told them, 'and I will make you fish for people!' Immediately they left their nets and followed Him."

One of the most remarkable aspects of the disciples’ response to Jesus is the immediacy with which they left their old lives behind. Peter and Andrew left their nets—abandoning their livelihood. James and John left their father, their boats, and their hired men, walking away from their family business. Matthew left his tax booth, walking away from wealth and the security it provided. These were not trivial decisions. Each of these men had something significant to lose, yet they dropped everything to follow Jesus.

What would compel someone to make such a radical change?
For some, it may have been the hope of the Messiah they had been waiting for. For others, it might have been the desire for a fresh start, a new purpose. And perhaps for all, it was the simple but powerful invitation: “Follow Me.” This was not just a call to join a movement—it was a personal invitation to journey alongside the Son of God, to be known and loved by Him, and to be transformed into something far greater.

But leaving the old life behind doesn’t happen only at the beginning of our journey. It’s a daily decision to leave behind our old ways of thinking, our old habits, and our sinful tendencies. The disciples continued to wrestle with their old lives throughout their time with Jesus. Peter’s fear and impulsiveness resurfaced repeatedly. John and James struggled with pride and ambition. Matthew might have had to fight against the temptation to look back at the wealth and status he once enjoyed.

As followers of Jesus today, we must also choose each day to “leave our nets” and follow Him. This means surrendering our pride, our self-sufficiency, and even our dreams and plans, trusting that what Jesus offers is far greater. It’s not a one-time decision but a daily surrender.

Reflection Questions:
 1. What “nets” are you still holding onto that keep you from fully following Jesus?
 2. How do you feel when you think about leaving behind something significant for the sake of following Christ?
 3. What steps can you take today to let go of an old way of thinking or living?

Identify one area of your life where you are still holding onto the “nets” of your past. It could be a sinful habit, a toxic relationship, or simply an old mindset that doesn’t align with God’s truth. Write down a prayer of surrender, asking Jesus to help you let go and trust Him completely. Share this prayer with a trusted friend or accountability partner for support.

Closing Prayer:
Jesus, I want to follow You wholeheartedly, but I confess that there are parts of my old life that I’m still holding onto. Help me to leave behind anything that hinders me from following You fully. Give me the courage to walk away from my “nets” and the faith to trust You with my future. In Your name, Amen.