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The names we call God are not just titles; they are revelations of His nature and His workings in our lives. When Moses encountered God in the burning bush, he was given the name "Yahweh" - "I AM THAT I AM" (Exodus 3:14), revealing God's eternal existence and unchanging nature. This personal name of God, Yahweh, is a testament to His promise to be with us, a pledge of His constant presence and active involvement in our lives.

Our perception of God is often a reflection of how we've encountered Him. Has He been your Jehovah Jireh, providing in times of need? Or perhaps El Roi, the God who sees you in your affliction? Each name carries with it a story of God's faithfulness and power.

As we seek a deeper relationship with God, let us delve into the richness of His character. Let the names of God be more than words; let them shape our understanding and experience of the Divine.

Reflection Questions
Which of God's names have become most meaningful to you in your spiritual journey?
How can the understanding of God's names deepen your faith and trust in His character?

Closing Prayer
Yahweh, You are the God who reveals Yourself through Your names. Help us to know You more intimately as we study and reflect upon each aspect of Your divine nature. May Your names be ever on our lips and in our hearts as we walk with You. Amen.