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John 20:29 - "Jesus said, 'Because you have seen Me, you have believed. Those who believe without seeing are blessed.'"

After Thomas saw the resurrected Jesus and touched His wounds, he proclaimed, “My Lord and my God!” It was a moment of profound faith, yet Jesus responded with an important statement: “Because you have seen Me, you have believed. Those who believe without seeing are blessed.”

Jesus’s words apply to every believer today. Unlike Thomas, we haven’t seen Jesus with our physical eyes, yet we believe in Him. This kind of faith is what Jesus calls blessed—a faith that trusts without the need for physical proof.

Believing without seeing is the essence of true faith. It’s trusting God’s promises even when circumstances suggest otherwise. It’s holding on to hope when the evidence isn’t clear. We walk by faith, not by sight, and Jesus assures us that this faith brings blessings.

Faith without seeing doesn’t mean blind belief. It means trusting in God’s character, His Word, and His works throughout history. We may not physically see Jesus, but we experience His presence, His Spirit, and the transformation He brings into our lives.

Reflection Questions:
How does it feel to know that Jesus calls those who believe without seeing “blessed”?

In what areas of your life do you need to exercise more faith without seeing?

How can you cultivate a deeper faith, trusting in God even when you can’t see the outcome?

Identify an area in your life where you struggle to have faith because you can’t see the outcome. Surrender this situation to God and ask Him to help you walk by faith, not by sight. Reflect on how God has been faithful in the past and use that as a foundation to trust Him in the present.

Closing Prayer:
Lord, thank You for the gift of faith. Help me to trust You even when I can’t see the outcome. Strengthen my faith and remind me of Your goodness and faithfulness. May I walk by faith, not by sight, knowing that You are always with me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.