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Building on the foundation of grace and truth, we explore the roles of the Trinity in our salvation. Reflecting on 1 Peter 1:2 and Jude 1:2, we see a beautiful depiction of God's grace, the Holy Spirit's peace, and Jesus' love working together in our lives.

Scripture: 1 Peter 1:2, Jude 1:2
1 Peter 1:2 - "To the temporary residents dispersed in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father and set apart by the Spirit for obedience and for sprinkling with the blood of Jesus Christ. May grace and peace be multiplied to you."

Jude 1:2 - "To those who are the called, loved by God the Father and kept by Jesus Christ."

"God’s grace shown by Jesus’ love brings us Holy Spirit’s peace."

How do the roles of the Trinity contribute to our understanding of salvation?

In what ways do you experience the grace, peace, and love of God in your life?

How can a deeper awareness of the Trinity's involvement in your salvation impact your pursuit of sanctification?

Triune God, we thank You for the richness of Your grace, peace, and love bestowed upon us in salvation. Help us to continually surrender to the Holy Spirit for sanctification, recognizing Your active roles in our lives. Amen.