In the third week of "Don't Tread on Thee," we delve into the stark contrast between promiscuous grace embraced by culture and the bold...
Continuing from yesterday's reflection, we explore the concept of sanctification as a daily pursuit of God's truth, leading to holiness...
Today, we confront the dangers of promiscuous grace, where individuals accept God's grace but fail to live in His truth, leading to...
Delving deeper into the relationship between justification and sanctification, we recognize that while Jesus justifies us through...
In our final reflection, we're reminded of the narrow path that leads to life, emphasizing the significance of walking in truth after...
Jude 5-11 - Now I want to remind you, though you know all these things: The Lord first saved a people out of Egypt and later destroyed...
Jude 3-4 - Dear friends, although I was eager to write you about the salvation we share, I found it necessary to write and exhort you...
Summary:As we embark on this new devotional series, we begin with the central theme of working out our salvation with fear and...
Building on the foundation of grace and truth, we explore the roles of the Trinity in our salvation. Reflecting on 1 Peter 1:2 and Jude...
Delving into the process of sanctification, we emphasize that it is the Holy Spirit working in us to desire and work out God's good...
Addressing the cultural trend of choosing satisfaction over sanctification, we delve into the dangers of promiscuous grace. By...
In our final reflection, we focus on the need for fear and trembling in working out our salvation. The devotional challenges the...
Brief Overview: In this week's sermon, the focus was on Philippians 2:12-15, addressing the concept of working out salvation with fear...
Sunday's sermon began by establishing a connection between the traumas we've experienced in our past and the temptations we face in our...
Pastor Brent dug into the history of Israel, recounting their experiences of trauma from slavery in Egypt to wandering in the...
Pastor Brent shared personal stories of encountering trauma, from witnessing familial disruptions to experiencing personal...
Our conclusion focuses on the transformative power of Jesus Christ to turn our trauma into triumph. It calls for a surrender of our...
Jude, in his opening greeting, identifies himself not as a sibling of Jesus but as a slave of Jesus Christ. This deliberate choice of...
The New Testament is replete with references to servitude, with key figures like Paul, Peter, and John proudly declaring themselves...
Romans 6 presents a stark choice: slavery to sin or slavery to Christ. This passage invites us to examine our lives and ask ourselves...