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Sunday's sermon began by establishing a connection between the traumas we've experienced in our past and the temptations we face in our present, emphasizing that yesterday's trauma triggers today's temptation. This insight is grounded in the biblical narrative, particularly in the stories of the Israelites, whose history is revisited to illustrate how past traumas influenced their future actions and decisions, leading to cycles of sin and disobedience.

Sermon Quote: "Yesterday's trauma triggers today's temptation."

Romans 7:15 - 15 For I do not understand what I am doing, because I do not practice what I want to do, but I do what I hate. 16 And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree with the law that it is good. 

Reflection Questions:
Can you identify a past trauma that seems to influence your present temptations?
How does recognizing the link between past trauma and present temptation change your perspective on your struggles?

Daily Challenge:
Reflect on a past experience that continues to affect you today. Journal about this experience and your feelings.

Lord, help me to see the connections between my past traumas and my current temptations. Grant me the wisdom to understand these influences and the strength to overcome them through Your guidance. Amen.