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In our final reflection, we focus on the need for fear and trembling in working out our salvation. The devotional challenges the prevalent lack of reverence for God in our society and encourages a return to the importance of conviction and transformation in the process of sanctification.


Scripture: Philippians 2:12

"So then, my dear friends, just as you have always obeyed, not only in my presence, but now even more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling."



"Fear and trembling equal conviction, and conviction equals transformation. Frivolity, tolerance, comfort, and convenience do not equal conviction or transformation."



How has the lack of reverence for God affected our culture, churches, and families?


In what ways can we reintroduce a sense of fear and trembling in our pursuit of sanctification?


What steps can you personally take to foster a deeper reverence for God in your life?



Heavenly Father, instill in us a sense of fear and trembling as we work out our salvation. May conviction and transformation become the guiding principles in our pursuit of sanctification. Help us to reintroduce reverence for You in our homes, churches, and society. Amen.