As we conclude the “Don't Tread on Thee” series, how have you felt challenged and grown in your faith during our time in Jude?

Section 1: Building Ourselves Up in Faith
Jude encourages us to “build yourselves up in your most holy faith.” What are some practical ways we've been doing this, and how can we improve?

Accountability and encouragement with God's word are crucial. Share an instance when a brother in faith helped you grow or vice versa.

Section 2: Praying in the Holy Spirit
How do we understand praying in the Holy Spirit, and what changes might we need to make to align our prayers with God's will?

Can someone share a time when they felt empowered by the Holy Spirit during a challenging moment in their faith?

Section 3: Keeping Ourselves in God’s Love
Jude tells us to “keep yourselves in the love of God.” Discuss how we can maintain our fervor for God amid trials and temptations.

Love for God is demonstrated through obedience. How do we balance God’s commands with grace in our daily lives?

Section 4: Faith Toward Scoffers
Jude describes different kinds of scoffers. Have you ever encountered such individuals, and how did you respond with mercy and truth?

How can we show mercy to those who doubt without compromising our own faith?

Transitioning from Contending to Compassion
Reflecting on Jude's instructions, how do we balance contending for the faith with showing mercy toward those who are skeptical or living in sin?

Discuss ways we can reach out to those who need to hear about Jesus, without getting entangled in sinful behaviors ourselves.

Closing Prayer
Heavenly Father, we come before You as a fellowship united in Your love and truth. We thank You for guiding us through the book of Jude and for the profound lessons we have learned. Lord, help us to build ourselves up in our most holy faith, rooted in the knowledge and love of Your Word. Give us the wisdom to pray in alignment with Your Holy Spirit, that our desires may mirror Your divine will.

We ask for courage and discernment to keep ourselves in Your love, to show mercy to those who doubt, and to reach out to those who are lost. May our actions reflect the grace and truth of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Empower us to contend for the faith with compassion, not judgment, being ever mindful of the mercy we ourselves have received.

May we move forward from this study with a renewed commitment to live out our faith boldly and lovingly. Bless each one of us here, strengthen our bonds of fellowship, and keep us steadfast in Your service.

In Jesus' name, we pray, Amen.

Challenge for the week:
Personal Meditation: Consider spending time this week in contemplation of Jude 20-23, examining how you can actively participate in strengthening the faith of others and yourself.

Journaling: Take note of areas where you are called to grow. Plan actionable steps toward that growth, whether in prayer, fellowship, or personal Bible study.