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"Be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Lord... your labor in the Lord is not futile." — 1 Corinthians 15:58

Nehemiah’s people did not quit. Despite threats, fatigue, and opposition, they kept building.
This is the heart of bold resolve—a commitment to press on, even when things get hard.
Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 15:58 that our work for the Lord is never in vain. Every prayer, every act of service, every financial sacrifice, every moment of perseverance—it matters. Even when you don’t see immediate results, your faithfulness is producing something eternal.
What if Nehemiah’s people had quit halfway?
What if they had listened to their enemies and stopped building?
What if they had chosen fear over faith?
The same is true for us. If we want to see God’s plans fulfilled, we must develop bold resolve. There will be setbacks. There will be doubts. There will be moments of exhaustion. But the work must continue.
 • Teaching the Gospel must continue.
 • Making disciples must continue.
 • Serving the church must continue.
 • Encouraging others must continue.
 • Your personal pursuit of Jesus must continue.
Even when you feel discouraged, tired, or tempted to quit, resolve in your heart to press on. The victory belongs to the Lord.

 • What is one area of your spiritual life or ministry where you need to renew your resolve?
 • Write down one practical step you can take to keep pressing forward.
 • Encourage one person today who may be feeling weary or discouraged.

Lord, give me bold resolve to press on in faith. When I feel tired, remind me that my labor is never in vain. Strengthen my heart so that I may remain steadfast and immovable, fully committed to Your work. Thank You that the victory belongs to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Questions for Reflection:
 1. Where have you felt tempted to quit or grow weary in your faith?
 2. What truth from God’s Word can you hold onto to strengthen your resolve?
 3. How can you be an encouragement to someone else who needs strength to press on?

Final Encouragement:
This week, we’ve learned that:
 • Opposition will come—but we can stand firm.
 • Faith overcomes fear—because God fights for us.
 • The work of the Lord must continue—and our efforts are never wasted.
As we boldly move forward in faith, let’s stand together, fight together, and keep building together. God is with us, and the victory belongs to Him!
Let’s boldly go!