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Scripture: Matthew 22:39 - “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Loving others is at the heart of Jesus’ teaching. In the Great Commandment, He calls us to love our neighbors as ourselves. This love isn’t just about affection or kindness; it’s an active love that seeks to serve others and meet their needs. Embracing moments for others is about intentionally looking for ways to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the lives of those around us.

Throughout His ministry, Jesus modeled this kind of love. He reached out to those who were marginalized, healed the sick, fed the hungry, and offered hope to the brokenhearted. He didn’t wait for people to come to Him; He went to them. As His followers, we are called to do the same. Whether it’s through acts of service, words of encouragement, or simply being present for someone in need, we have countless opportunities each day to show God’s love to others.

At Kairos, the focus is on becoming “Moment Makers”—people who create opportunities for others to experience the love of Jesus. Whether it’s serving within the church or reaching out to those in our community, we are called to be intentional about loving others in practical ways. These moments for others don’t have to be grand gestures; sometimes, the smallest acts of kindness can make the biggest impact.

The call to love our neighbors is a reminder that discipleship isn’t just about our personal relationship with God. It’s about how we live out our faith in the world. When we embrace moments for others, we reflect the heart of Jesus, showing His love to those who may not yet know Him. As we do, we become part of God’s mission to reach the world with the good news of the gospel.

Reflection Questions:

  1. How can you intentionally create moments for others in your daily life?
  2. Who in your life needs to experience the love of Jesus, and how can you serve them?
  3. What is one way you can step out of your comfort zone to show God’s love to someone in need?

Look for one specific opportunity this week to serve someone in your community. It could be helping a neighbor, volunteering at church, or reaching out to someone going through a difficult time. Pray for God to open your eyes to the needs around you and give you the courage to respond in love.

Closing Prayer:
Lord, help me to see the needs of others and respond with love and compassion. Show me how I can be Your hands and feet in the lives of those around me. Give me the courage to step out and serve, even when it’s uncomfortable. May my actions reflect Your love and bring glory to Your name. In Jesus’ name, Amen.