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Scripture: Colossians 4:5 - “Act wisely toward outsiders, making the most of every moment.”


Devotional: One of the greatest challenges in our busy lives is to make the most of every moment. With the demands of work, family, and personal responsibilities, it’s easy to let moments slip by without thinking about how we can use them for God’s glory. But Paul’s words in Colossians remind us that every moment is an opportunity to reflect Jesus to the world.

The phrase “making the most of every moment” challenges us to live with intentionality. This doesn’t mean we need to constantly be doing big things for God. Sometimes it’s in the small, everyday moments—how we speak to a coworker, how we respond to a difficult situation, how we spend our free time—that we have the greatest impact. When we live with the awareness that every moment is an opportunity to reflect Jesus, it changes how we approach our day-to-day lives.

At Kairos, the call to embrace moments with God, moments with others, and moments for others is all about making the most of every opportunity to live out our faith. This is discipleship in action. When we are intentional about how we live, we create space for God to work through us. Whether it’s in our conversations, our decisions, or how we serve, we can make a difference in the lives of others.


Reflection Questions:

  1. How can you be more intentional about making the most of every moment in your life?
  2. What small changes can you make in your daily routine to reflect Jesus to those around you?
  3. How can you encourage others to live with this same intentionality?


Application: This week, focus on making the most of every moment. Choose one specific area of your life where you want to be more intentional—whether it’s in your relationships, your work, or your free time. Ask God to help you see opportunities to reflect Him in those moments and commit to being present and purposeful in how you live.


Closing Prayer: Lord, help me to make the most of every moment. Give me the wisdom to see opportunities to reflect Your love, grace, and truth in my daily life. Help me to live with intentionality, using each moment to draw closer to You and to show others who You are. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Wrap-Up: Embracing Kairos Moments in Every Day

As we conclude this five-day devotional series, it's essential to step back and reflect on what we've learned and how we can apply these lessons in our lives. We’ve explored what it means to embrace Kairos moments—those special, God-ordained opportunities that can transform us and those around us. Whether it’s deepening our relationship with God, investing in community with others, or stepping out in service, each day presents us with countless moments to live for Jesus.

Through these devotionals, we’ve focused on three foundational areas:

  1. Moments with God – We are called to daily connect with our Creator, loving Him with all our heart, soul, and mind. These moments strengthen our faith and prepare us for whatever life brings.
  2. Moments with Others – God designed us to live in community. As we engage in meaningful relationships with other believers, we help each other grow in faith, encouraging and supporting one another.
  3. Moments for Others – Our faith is not just for ourselves; it’s meant to be shared. By loving and serving those around us—especially those who don’t yet know Jesus—we become the hands and feet of Christ, reflecting His love to the world.


Discipleship, as we’ve seen, is a lifelong journey. It’s not a process that can be rushed, but rather one that unfolds through daily obedience, perseverance, and intentionality. Each of us has been given unique opportunities—Kairos moments—that God wants to use for His purposes. Whether you're spending quiet time with God, walking alongside fellow believers, or reaching out to someone in need, every moment can be an act of discipleship.

Let’s make it our goal to continue embracing these moments beyond this devotional series. Each day, let’s seek ways to love God more deeply, to grow in community with others, and to serve those who don’t yet know Him. Let’s live with a mindset that looks for Kairos moments—those significant, life-changing opportunities that God places in front of us—and respond to them with courage, faith, and love.