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Scripture: Acts 6:1-7

Reflection: In Acts 6, we see the early church facing a challenge. As the number of disciples grew, the Hellenistic Jews felt that their widows were being neglected in the daily distribution of food. This led to a skirmish within the church. The apostles, recognizing the need to focus on preaching and prayer, appointed seven men full of the Spirit and wisdom to handle the distribution.

Devotional: The early church encountered growing pains as more people joined the faith. The apostles were confronted with a critical issue: the daily needs of the community were being overlooked. They realized that their primary calling was to prayer and preaching, but the practical needs of the church could not be neglected. So, they appointed seven men to manage these responsibilities, allowing the apostles to focus on their spiritual mission.

This passage highlights the importance of recognizing and addressing the diverse needs within a church community. It also emphasizes the value of every role within the church, from preaching to practical service. When each member serves according to their gifts, the church flourishes, and the gospel is spread more effectively.

Reflection Questions:
    1. Have you ever felt that practical needs were neglected in your church community? How was it addressed?
    2. What gifts do you have that can be used to serve your church?

Practical Application:
    • Identify your spiritual gifts and consider how you can use them to serve your church. If you're unsure, ask a pastor or church leader for guidance.
    • Commit to serving in a specific area of need within your church. This could be anything from helping with children's ministry to joining the prayer team.

Lord, help me to recognize the needs within my church community and to use my gifts to serve others. Give me a heart of compassion and a willingness to step in where needed. Amen.