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As we conclude our series in Jude, we're reminded of the call to contend for our faith, a journey that begins with building ourselves up in holiness. Jude 20-23 offers a blueprint for living a faith-filled life, urging us to ground ourselves deeply in our most holy faith. This process of building up in holiness is not just a call to personal sanctification but a communal effort to encourage and hold each other accountable to God's Word.

Holiness, found in Jesus, requires us to be more like Him. The entire Bible, being the story of Jesus, invites us to immerse ourselves in Scripture to know Jesus more intimately. As we delve into God's Word, we not only learn about Jesus but are transformed to reflect His holiness.

The journey from justification to sanctification is one paved by continuous faith in Jesus and a relentless pursuit of understanding His teachings. By remembering what Jesus did for us and looking to His Word, we embark on a path of becoming more like Him.

1 Peter 1:15-16 - "But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: 'Be holy, because I am holy.'"

Reflection Questions
How are you actively building up your holiness in daily life?
In what ways can you encourage others around you to pursue holiness?

Closing Prayer
Lord, help us to build ourselves up in holiness, anchoring our lives in Your Word. May we reflect Your love and grace in all we do, becoming more like Jesus every day. Amen.